Curated Travel Guides, Photo Ideas, Hotel Reviews, Outfit Inspo and Lifestyle Tips. Scout the latest trends with The Blonde Scout Travel and Lifestyle Blog

scouting trends in travel & lifestyle
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Hi! My name is Sam and I LOVE scouting trends in travel and style and finding the newest, best and undiscovered.I take joy in finding beauty in the every day and living every moment of life to the fullest.
Ever since I uprooted my life in Texas to move to Paris to study fashion, my world was opened to endless opportunities to try something new, to get out of my comfort zone and to immerse myself in different cultures. By living in Europe, travel suddenly became so easy for me and it unleashed my passion to see the world and have every experience imaginable. Now that I’m back in America, that feeling hasn’t changed and I’m always looking for the next adventure!
I’ve always had an editing eye and I want to share my advice to give you a curated selection of my top picks for your trips, vacation outfits and lifestyle choices. Now that you know a bit about me, let’s start scouting!
Curated Travel Guides, Photo Ideas, Hotel Reviews, Outfit Inspo and Lifestyle Tips. Scout the latest trends with The Blonde Scout Travel and Lifestyle Blog